Sunday, May 17, 2009


Well, I haven't gotten on here in a long time and I don't think I ever finished writing about my trip. Such is my life, especially this time of the year. As soon as we got home from this trip, we dealt with everything from everyone getting sick, snakes in the shower, my desktop computer going down, Relay for Life, Jake's birthday party, teacher appreciation, baseball, etc, etc..... I cannot wait for summer! This is what I cannot wait for:

1. Not having to drag my unwilling kids out of bed every morning... What a pain!
2. Not having to pack school lunches, ugh! I guess I will still technically have to make them lunch though... I just won't have to think about it at 7:00 in the morning.
3. No schedule or after school activities - Yay! There are a lot of people who do some great summer camps, but we usually don't. Instead we hit the water parks, beaches, etc.
4. I don't have to force anyone to do homework!
5. Relax and have more time with our friends! Summer BBQ's, trips to the beach, waterparks, the pool!

This is what I am dreading:

1. Trying to get my work done with the kids at home. (However, it shouldn't be too bad, I am usually up early - work in the morning - have fun the rest of the day.
2. Fighting kids - okay, I will just have to face this. They are going to be fighting... Not all of the time, but it will happen. It happens when they are going to school - why would they take a break from it?
3. Going grocery shopping! Not with them I won't. Grocery shopping will now be done whenever Peter is home. Love my kids, I do not like going to the store with them. Bailey makes me buy all this stuff I didn't intend on buying and Jake is too busy pretending he is Indiana Jones with the grocery cart. Plus, I loathe going grocery shopping in the first place. The employees at our Publix are so nice but I am sure they are tired of me whining about the fact that I wish I could grocery shop on line.
4. Star Wars... I do like Star Wars - just not as much as my kids. I am SURE they will want to watch the dvd's almost every day!

Okay - end of this post. I will start a new one about Egypt now!

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