Okay, this is the week where my life goes completely insane! My head is throbbing at the thought of all that I have to do! Where to begin? Why I am even writing this? Do I have time? Right now I do since it is six in the morning and I have ½ hour before I have to start waking everyone up. Plus I have been up since 5am and just worked for an hour! That is the great thing about my job; I can work whenever I want to and mostly in my jammies! Which I will be extremely busy this week completing one major project, conducting two training conference calls and getting the monthly invoicing started, plus all my other stuff. Okay, moving on I have to help Bailey get her project done for school on a famous African American – due this Friday. I need to haul the glitter glue out – Bailey likes things to sparkle! Well, since I opened my big mouth last week to Jake’s coach, I am now the Team Mom, First duty – pick up the uniforms and get them distributed at practice. Also, I need to make a basket for the auction held at the opening ceremonies for this Friday night – basket is due on Thursday – ugh… Okay, with that we have homework to worry about, volunteer at the school, guitar lessons, tennis lessons, baseball practice – no Brownie meeting this week – thank goodness, but I should really get around to ironing Bailey’s patches on her vest. I feel bad because they are all piling up and everyone else’s are already on their vests. Okay, I loathe having to iron anything!!!! I wish the patches would adhere themselves to Bailey’s vest without my involvement!
Well, all of this is generally about what my life is about every week, more or less – just slightly different versions. I think I am mostly stressed out because next week I am leaving on my trip and sometime soon I have to worry about packing and getting the last minute things we need for our trip. Packing usually is very easy for me and I generally do it the night before. This trip however takes more thought as we will be in different climates, four different countries, all kinds of “dress codes” including being very covered up when out of the Company Camps while in Arabia, then on top of that we are attending some events that are a little more formal than a pair of jeans. The whole idea of packing is consuming me as it is – the thought of all of this other stuff I have going on this week is going to raise my blood pressure. Which is not good, since I have my yearly physical tomorrow… Wait, do I have time to go do that tomorrow?
Okay, gotta run. Need to do the pre wake up stuff around the house, my last few minutes of sanity before the chaos of the morning begins. Did I mention today is Jake’s teachers birthday and I will be at the school for her party this afternoon? I am happy to fit that into my busy schedule, she is a wonderful teacher and it is fun to celebrate other peoples birthdays. So the week begins….
Lisa's Lab
Frozen Spinach Cubes Last night I was popping out some frozen green spinach
cubes out of silicone "brownie bite" tray (well I didn't have a ice cube
one- s...
12 years ago
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